Sermon on John 6:22-35

Pastor Jennifer Garcia

God has a history of feeding people: from providing fruit-filled trees in Eden, to manna in the wilderness, to a sustaining meal for Elijah in our first reading, to Jesus feeding the 5,000 with a little kid’s lunch,there are a ton of examples of God taking care of people’s physical needs.

But the crowds who ate that little kid’s lunch in last week’s Gospel story didn’t seem to realize what they experienced was something different from what their ancestors experienced.

They did realize something miraculous happened—I mean, they tried to make Jesus king afterward. But they seemed to be missing something.

Jesus escaped the overeager crowd, and arrived in Capernaum before they were able to chase him down.

The people looked for Jesus, and they found him.They started interrogating him,but Jesus kept redirecting their questions, pointing them again and again to something more important than their grumbling stomachs.

Still, they asked him for another act of power. “After all,” they said. “Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness…”

They thought they know what they were looking for:“Feed us, Jesus! Feed us again! Then, we’ll really know you’re from God.”

They thought they knew what they were looking for…


I’d like to share with you the story of someone who didn’t know what she was looking for, but found it anyway.

Sara Miles grew up an atheist. She worked in restaurant kitchens and as a journalist in war zones in Central America. Later, she made a home in San Francisco with her young daughter and her girlfriend.

“One morning,” she writes in her book Take this Bread. “I walked into St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in San Francisco. I had no earthly reason to be there. I’d never heard a Gospel reading, never said the Lord’s Prayer. I was certainly not interested in becoming a Christian—or, as I thought of it rather less politely, a religious nut. But on other long walks, I’d passed the beautiful wooden building, with its shingled steeples and plain windows, and this time I went in, on an impulse, with no more than a reporter’s habitual curiosity.”

She describes the beauty of the space,             and the awkwardness of singing with these strangers.

Then, something took Sara Miles completely by surprise:

She writes, “I still can’t explain my first communion. It made no sense. I was in tears and physically unbalanced: I felt as if I had just stepped off a curb or been knocked over, painlessly, from behind. The disconnect between what I thought was happening—I was eating a piece of bread; what I heard someone else say was happening—the piece of bread was the “body” of “Christ,” a patently untrue or at best metaphorical statement; and what I knew was happening—God, namely “Christ” or “Jesus,” was real, and in my mouth—utterly short-circuited my ability to do anything but cry.”

Sara Miles did not chase Jesus like the crowds had. But he fed her anyway.

And the crowds that chased Jesus? He had already fed them in much the same way, though they didn’t realize it.

The Gospel of John doesn’t record the Last Supper in the way the other Gospels do. The part about Jesus taking the bread, giving thanks for it, breaking it, and giving it to his disciples? In the Gospel of John, that doesn’t happen on the night in which Jesus was betrayed.Instead, on that night it focuses on Jesus washing his disciples’ feet—another meaningful act of service.

But, listen again to what we read in last week’s Gospel:

“Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted.”

Jesus took bread, he gave thanks, he distributed it.Sound familiar?

The story of the feeding of the 5,000 functions like communion for the Gospel of John.

It makes sense that the crowds didn’t completely understand the significance of that at the time. They didn’t have the Gospels to compare or the knowledge of Jesus’ death and resurrection to be able to put those pieces together and see that symbolism.

They did get that something miraculous had happened, though, and they wanted more of it.

So did Sara Miles. She knew that something miraculous had happened, and she wanted more of it.

She writes, “I couldn’t reconcile the experience with anything I knew or had been told. But neither could I go away: For some inexplicable reason, I wanted that bread again. I wanted it all the next day after my first communion, and the next week, and the next. It was a sensation as urgent as physical hunger, pulling me back to the table at St. Gregory’s through my fear and confusion.”

Sara Miles was like the crowds: she wanted that bread again. And again, and again.

This was such a significant experience for her that she continued going to St. Gregory’s, and she started a food pantry there, so that she could feed others. You can read more about it in her book Take this Bread—it’s really a fantastic story.

The nourishment she received strengthened her for her faith journey and for serving others.

Communion does this for us every week we receive it.

Jesus, the bread of life, still feeds us. We receive that mystery of bread and wine, body and blood, and it fills us and nourishes us and leaves a surplus, just like the twelve baskets of leftover bread after the crowds ate their fill.

That’s where we get the spiritual energy as a faith community to continue to feed people body and soul. Our mission is feeding people, because that’s what Jesus did. Jesus feeds us, and we feed others around us.Caring Hands is an extension of the meal we receive on Sunday mornings and a sneak peak of the banquet table of the Reign of God that will never end, where people of all sorts feast together and delight in God.

Even if youaren’t able to volunteer in the pantry, you are part of this mission and this community, just the same as the people who volunteer in the pantry but who are elsewhere on Sunday mornings. We are in this together, joined in this meal and this mission.

Our God, who has a history of feeding people, will never stop feeding us.

So, when we eat of that bread and drink of that cup in a few minutes, we can hold onto the promise that it will never run out. It is nutritious and life-giving. Let that life flow through you, and see where it takes you.

As we go forward, both individually and as a faith community, feeding people body and soul, remember that it is Jesus who feeds us and strengthens us. Jesus gives us himself, the bread of life, always.

Sermon on John 6:1-15

Pastor Jennifer Garcia

At the nonprofit I worked at before I started seminary, I did some event planning. It was fun—I liked the fastpace and getting to work out all the details. But, no matter how many times I did it or how far in advance I made all the preparations—no matter what,—the night before, I would get this sudden feeling of panic:

·       Did I order enough breakfast sandwiches for the board meeting?

·       Will there be enough entertainment for the guests at the fundraiser?

·       Are we going to run out of sodas?

·       Is there enough money in the budget to make this a successful event?

·       Why do I do this to myself?

No matter how many times I had planned events that went smoothly, I would get that clenching feeling in my stomach, that tension in my shoulders.

I always had this nagging fear of scarcity—of there not being enough—and it would all be my fault.

If Jesus had come up to me and asked me to feed 5,000 people with no planning time and no resources, I think my head would have exploded!

Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did to his disciples.

“Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?”

Poor Philip—I really resonate with him here.

He knew what it would take to feed those people: more than 6 months’ wages.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me, Jesus. We can’t do it. There’s just not enough.’

Fortunately, Jesus had a plan B.

The people were fed; there were tons of leftovers.

The feeding of the five thousandis one of the most well-known of Jesus’ miracles, but it had the disciples pretty freaked out.

The disciples didn’t really get yet who Jesus was. So, they came into the situation with a sense of scarcity and fear.Understandably!              

Jesus shows signs throughout most of the Gospel of John, leading up to an understanding of his identity as the Messiah, the Son of God.

But the disciples didn’t see the whole picture yet.

They, like the crowds, knew that Jesus could do amazing things. They had seen him heal people and teach powerfully.

This, though, was new territory.

This story—and the whole of John’s Gospel—speaks to who Jesus is.

The disciples saw Jesus acting mercifully and powerfully.Jesus saw the people’s need and satisfied it.

His disciples were unable to imagine a solution. They didn’t know yet that they were dealing with an abundant God. A Creator God, who didn’t stop creating and acting in the world after its birth.

This act echoes evokes the manna in the wilderness that God provided for Moses and the Israelites in our first reading today.

It also echoes the first reading from Second Kings that we read last week, when Elisha fed a hundred people.

And also Elisha’s teacher, the prophet Elijah, when he had the widow cook a meal during a famine that would have hardly fed her and her son, and the food lasted for many days.

God has a history of feeding people and creating plenty out of very little.

The crowds heard Jesus teach so wisely and then create an abundance of food, and they recognized that he was a prophet of God like Moses or Elisha. They knew the pattern of God feeding people. Jesus fled, because they wanted to make him king. They knew something powerful was going on.

But the disciples didn’t seem to quite see this yet. As we read last week, even after they saw this amazing act of plenty, they just kind of hung around after the crowds dispersed. They waited until it was dark, then they got in their boat and sailed away.

They were afraid when they sawJesus out on the water.They still didn’t get who Jesus was…

Now, we get to see the entirety of John’s Gospel, and others besides it, and the rest of the Bible, and two millennia of scholarship and tradition and art. We have a much bigger picture of who Jesus is than the disciples did.

And yet, I’m still afraid.

I still wrestle with scarcity and anxiety and insecurity and fear.

My head would still explode if Jesus asked me to feed 5,000 people.

It’s scary even recognizing that we’re in a new chapter here at First Lutheran with Lutheran Social Services no longer having an office onsite.

We have almost 5,000 square feet and 17 vacant rooms to fill, and our budget is taking a hit forall the time it’s empty.

That’s daunting.

But imagine what could happen if we really acted as if we had a God of abundance. Because we do!

We have a God who saw the great need of people and filled them. We have a God who multiplied a kid’s sack lunch into a meal for 5,000, with 12 baskets left over.

Now, I can’t do that. But what if we’re not meant to do it on our own? What if we are the 5 loaves and 2 fish?And when we work together and listen to the guiding of the Holy Spirit, maybe, maybe, we can do infinitely more than we can imagine?

Maybe, if we work with those sitting beside us, and five rows over, and our ministry partners here at Faith at First, and the church down the block, and the faith community of a different tradition on the other side of town, and the nonprofit in the next county, and the network in the next state, and so on, and if we keep imagining and listening and letting our fear get replaced by awe and joy, maybe, God can do wonders with us.

God has something in mind for our church house building. God will use all of us—our time, talents, and treasures, all of who we are—to make this community on Earth a little more as it is in heaven.

We are part of the Body of Christ, which spans the world and exists throughout time. We are not alone. We are filled with the Holy Spirit, who works in powerful and mysterious ways. We have a God who can do wonders with nothing more than a little kid’s lunch. And we are so much more than a little kid’s lunch.

Will you pray with me?God of Abundance, you cast out fear and anticipate our needs and the needs of those around us. Lead us in this new chapter to imagine and create with you in this place. Give us courage to share your abundance with others and continue to feed people body and soul. In your name we pray, Amen.

Sermon onJohn 6:16-21

Pastor Jennifer Garcia

Jesus had fed the thousands of people who had come to hear him speak. They were so excited that they wanted to make him king, and they weren’t going to take no for an answer.But Jesus wasn’t going to let anyone derail his mission.

So, when the disciples turned around, he was gone. They waited and waited and waited, but it was getting dark—what were they supposed to do now?

They decided to get in their boat and head back across the Sea of Galilee.

By the time they were several miles from shore, it was completely dark. A wind had come up, and the water was rough. Their stomachs, full of miraculous bread and fish, started to feel queasy. Their hearts were full of misgiving.

They probably should have stayed put on shore. There had been twelve baskets of leftovers, and they probably wouldn’t have been the only ones to camp out overnight.

But now, they were miles from shore, on choppy waters, in the dark, with no Jesus.

What were they supposed to do now? How would Jesus find them?

They must have felt lost and abandoned by their rabbi.

Except that he had not abandoned them.

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice cry out amid the howling wind, “It is I; do not be afraid.”

Jesus had found them!

Except, where did he get a boat?

Wait a second, he had no boat!

There he was, walking on the waves like it was no big deal.

Except, of course, that it was a great big deal.

Not even the forces of nature could keep their rabbi from them.

Why not?The answer is in Jesus’ greeting: “It is I.”

It can also be translated, “I am.” As in: “I Am who I Am,” the name God gave Moses from the burning bush.

This is one of seven “I am” statements in the Gospel of John. We get to know God better through Jesus, and these are what Jesus tells us about God. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus is the Bread of Life. And in this story, Jesus is the I Am.Jesus has authority over the water, because he is God. He created the water he walked on.

Not the late hour, not the low visibility, not the rough waves, not even the lack of a boat could keep Jesus from his beloved disciples.

He had not abandoned them and never would.

But even though we know this story, there are times when it feels like God has abandoned us or that God doesn’t care.

There are times in our lives when God feels distant.Maybe during health problems, maybe during a loved one’s decline or after a death, maybe during a job loss or the end of a marriage or relationship, maybe when a loved one becomes estranged, maybe in a season that doesn’t have a clear difficulty to point to but is still hard.

There are all kinds of times when it feels like God has abandoned us.

It can feel like we’re out on a boat in the dark facing big waves.

But Jesus is there on the waves right beside us, calling out to us.

Sometimes his voice is harder to hear over the wind, but he’s there.

Even now, he cries out, “I am—do not be afraid!”

Jesus is our fixed point in the chaos of our world.

This reminds me of something I’ve learned in ballet class, oddly enough. I started taking a beginning ballet class for the first time last year.

Ballet involves a lot of turning, and if you ever in your childhood spun in a circle until you fell over, you know that turning makes you dizzy.

I learned there’s a technique in ballet called “spotting” that helps with this. You keep your eyes focused on one spot and you turn your body as far as you can, then whip your head around until you’re looking at that one spot again. Spotting will make you less dizzy.

I have a long way to go on mastering spotting, and let me tell you from personal, often-repeated experience: when you don’t spot properly, you get very dizzy and you start going in the wrong direction.

When it feels like your world is spinning out of control, let Jesus be your spot. Keep your eyes focused on him. Keep whipping your head around until you can see him again.

Okay, that sounds great, but how do you actually do that? Most of us don’t literally see Jesus on a day-to-day basis.

True, but when times are hard, think about how you have encountered God in the past.

Have you found scripture or devotionals meaningful? What about music? Nature? Volunteering? Talking with a good friend who tells you the truth because they know you so well?

It’s easy to let go of these life-giving things during life’s storms, when we’re just trying to keep the boat from capsizing.

I’m not saying, “Just read your Bible and life will get easier.” We don’t have that much control, and God isn’t a magic fairy who grants our wishes when we say the right words or do the right thing.

The truth is much more complicated and much lovelier than that. God is not a vending machine; we have a relationship with God. Relationships are complicated, messy, and beautiful, even our relationship with God.

God is always with us, even and especially during hard times, whether you feel it or not. Even when God feels distant, God is here all around you. These life-giving activities, whatever they are for you, aren’t about getting God’s attention. They’re about God getting our attention.They’re about reminding us that God is already there, our anchor in the storm.

God is our steady presence, the spot we can look to with every turn life throws at us.That doesn’t mean everything will be easy or that if things aren’t easy it’s your fault for not focusing on God enough. Far from it.

The thing about spotting is that you still get dizzy, even when you do it right. Life is still hard. There are always going to be more heartbreaks that take us by surprise. But God is also always there to turn back to, to keep us less dizzy, to help us find our balance.

God doesn’t shy away from any part of what makes us human—God experienced the fullness of what it means to be human: the joys, the pains, the tedium, and the storms. Jesus is called Emmanuel, because it means “God with us.” We remember that especially during Advent and Christmas, but it’s always true.

God never abandons us. God is with us in our storms. God is the fixed point we can always turn to.

God is—do not be afraid.